Important changes to PUSH.fm’s premium subscription

Great news for all PUSH.fm users. Now you’ll pay even less than before to upgrade your account to the premium service. It means things become more accessible for everyone. PUSH.fm prides itself in being inclusive for all artists and creatives.…

PUSH.fm – free tools for content creators

PUSH.fm offer tools completely free to every content creator and artist. It might sound too good to be true, but trust us, it’s free with no catch. We believe every artist should have the tools to be able to promote…

PUSH 101: Where can I use PUSH’s marketing tools?

There are so many different options when it comes to PUSH services. It might look like it’s all aimed at a particular style of artist but trust us, anyone can use PUSH. You don’t need to be creating music to…

How to archive a PUSH campaign

Maybe you’ve run out of space on the free plan, or you’re making room for your rebranding. Whatever the reason, the good news is your campaigns don’t have to be permanent. You can hide them away and then bring them…

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