Important changes to’s premium subscription

Great news for all users. Now you’ll pay even less than before to upgrade your account to the premium service. It means things become more accessible for everyone. prides itself in being inclusive for all artists and creatives. We are here to support and help provide the tools you need to get yourself started and promote your work. PhotoMoshed

Changes being made to PUSH’s pricing plan

So, what are the changes? How will they affect you? When will they come into place? Yes, there are many questions we’re sure. That’s why we’re here to answer them. Remember you can always reach out to us via our contact form on our website, or via our social media accounts. If you need anything clearing up, we will check those often. Please ensure you get in touch.

Now, onto the questions and more importantly the answers. will be changing their premium service. The free plan will still remain as it currently is. However, now the price to upgrade has been altered. It was once £4.99, so GBP, but now we are moving over to dollars. Our new price will be $5. This will make it more accessible for many people, including those who use the currency dollars. Not only that but it does work out at a better deal for users. This means more people should be able to upgrade their accounts to the premium plan.

Of course, if you’re happy on the free plan, as we mentioned that will still be in place. We’re always trying to make our site available to anyone who wants to use it. Our aim is to provide as many tools as we can while still trying to keep the cost low. At PUSH, we hope to see more artists and creatives use our site to find promotional tools that can help them grow. We offer two payment types, depending on which you prefer. You can either pay monthly by bank transfer (direct debit), or you can pay with PayPal. Simply select which option you prefer when upgrading your account.

Will you have to update your account?

The short answer is no. will make this seamless switch from our old pricing plan, to our new updated pricing. As a user of the premium plan, you won’t need to resign anything or sign yourself up to this new plan. Everything will be switched over automatically making it a simple process that you won’t notice. Again, if you want to now upgrade to try out our premium version, you can go ahead and do that the same way you would have previously. There’s no new method of upgrading. We’ve kept everything the same. Except now, you’re getting more for your money as we’ve essentially reduced the price.

Perhaps you have been on the free plan for some time but require more space. Of course, you can archive campaigns as we’re sure you’re aware. However, if you don’t have any campaigns you’re looking to hide for now, why not upgrade to our premium plan that allows you unlimited links? It’s something you can back out of if you decide at a later date it isn’t for you. Don’t worry, we have no desire to trap you into a contract of any type, and we don’t require your payments annually. So, it really is always your decision.

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