Tag branding

8 incredible brand campaigns that no one saw coming

Crocs no longer have just their normal and sports modes. Now, they have a party mode activated. Brands that just shouldn’t work together, somehow have, and we’re here for it. They’re pushing boundaries and while it may not be serious,…

Which well known artist are you most like?

Who is your alter ego? Do you see yourself as more Ed Sheeran or Eminem? Are you an independent woman? Do you shine bright like a diamond? Or do you only love your bed and your Momma? Most importantly, does…

Alter egos – artists real names vs their stage names

Ok, so some are pretty obvious. Let’s be real, no one put down Lady Gaga on a birth certificate. Some however are a little less obvious. Miley Cyrus, for example, wasn’t born with that name, but in her rise to…

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