A simple 9-step plan to promote a local event (+examples)

Planning a successful local event involves more than just securing a venue and sending out emails. To truly make an impact and draw in a crowd, you need a comprehensive promotional strategy that leverages various tactics. Guest post by Margo Ovsiienko. Whether…

How does ChatGPT make money?

ChatGPT changed the AI game. Before that, not many used AI in their every day life. A platform so useful, but also… free? How? Where does the money come from? Creating ChatGPT would have cost a lot of money. It’s expensive…

Spotify Jam - a new way to listen with friends

Spotify Jam – a new way to listen with friends

Spotify are known for their music sharing features. It seems like they’re always introducing new ways to stream with friends. This time, users can start a Jam and people worldwide can join in. Spotify have worked hard on introducing features which…

An easy guide to voiceovers on TikTok

Voiceovers are a really brilliant way of bringing your video a more personal touch. Explaining a process using your own voice allows the viewer to feel a connection. They’re easy to achieve in just a few steps. A voiceover usually accompanies…

Create Premium Smart Links at half the cost of Linktree

Linktree offer a Premium plan which costs £11.50 per month, equivalent to $14.63. However, with PUSH.fm, you’ll only ever pay $5 per month for the Premium option. Create and customise unlimited Smart Links for a fraction of the cost. Linktree is…

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