Can anyone learn to sing

Can anyone learn to sing?

In theory, yes, anyone can learn to sing, but that isn’t to suggest you’ll go from tone-deaf to Beyoncé overnight. You’ll need to work on your vocals a lot before you can stand up on stage and start performing, but, anyone…

What exactly does it mean to go viral

What exactly does it mean to go viral?

The term “gone viral” is used on a regular basis. But, does anyone actually know how many likes and shares you need for your content to be classed as viral? No? We didn’t either, so we did some digging… Going viral…

The most popular TikTok stars in 2023

The most popular TikTok stars in 2023

With TikTok continuing to grow in popularity, there’s no sign of it slowing down. Many creators have found a full time job for themselves out of the video platform. But, who is coming out on top? Who are the true TikTok…

Nepal is the next country to ban TikTok

Nepal is the next country to ban TikTok

Another country has joined the ever-growing list of regions banning TikTok from being used. Nepal have made the decision to ban the platform after TikTok refused to register with the local government. TikTok, one of the largest video sharing platforms in…

Photography terminology for beginners

Photography terminology for beginners

Aperture, depth of field, composition – what does it all mean? When it comes to photography, many beginners are put off by the complex terminology. But, we’re here to break down that barrier and explain the various terms. A beginner photographer…

AI rules come into place following actor strikes

Over 65,000 Hollywood actors have gone on strike recently, taking to picket signs and protests. They were demanding pay rises and rules surrounding the use of AI. With many actors denying AI the rights to use their likeness within training. Actors…

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