Category PUSH 101

An introduction to the basics of and the wider marketing world; the whos, whats, and whys of our platform and promotional basics.

PUSH 101: How do I create a music link?

Perhaps you have just released your first track across multiple stores. Now, you want to be able to share these links with everyone you know and really make a name for yourself. How do you do this? Share every store…

PUSH 101: How to manage Instagram comments

Delete them, pin them, reply to them. Everything you can do with Instagram comments broken down and made simple. Instagram is a fantastic social media platform with so much potential. You can flag certain comments as important if you want…

PUSH 101: How to hide likes on Instagram

Instagram brought in the feature which enables users to hide their like count. It seems the social media world got too caught up in the number of likes on their pictures, rather than the meaning and messages behind them. Competition…

PUSH 101: Is LinkedIn important for musicians?

I presume you’ve seen everyone raving about LinkedIn and how it’s the best place to find work or connect with people. Is that only for people seeking a 9-5 job, or can anyone utilise LinkedIn and the services it offers?…

Important changes to’s premium subscription

Great news for all users. Now you’ll pay even less than before to upgrade your account to the premium service. It means things become more accessible for everyone. prides itself in being inclusive for all artists and creatives.…

PUSH 101: How to start your music career

You might be a budding musician that wants to turn it from a hobby into a career. It’s tricky knowing how, especially as it comes with some risks. However, if you never try, you’ll never know. So, bite the bullet…

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