Category People

Case studies and commentaries of independent musicians, content creators and brands that use PUSH to fulfil their DIY marketing needs.

Eurovision competition has taken over Spotify

With the lead up to the big music competition of the year, Spotify have seen more and more playlists being created around the topic. People go crazy for Eurovision. It’s a time to get together with friends and family and…

PUSH 101: How to manage Instagram comments

Delete them, pin them, reply to them. Everything you can do with Instagram comments broken down and made simple. Instagram is a fantastic social media platform with so much potential. You can flag certain comments as important if you want…

PUSH 101: How to hide likes on Instagram

Instagram brought in the feature which enables users to hide their like count. It seems the social media world got too caught up in the number of likes on their pictures, rather than the meaning and messages behind them. Competition…

Online bots – are they all bad?

When you hear the word bot you typically fear the worst. It’s likely you imagine them to be hackers or fraudsters, right? However, it isn’t always the case that online bots are bad. Sometimes, they can actually serve a purpose.…

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