Category Guides

Guides you can use to learn, inform and inspire your marketing and promotional plans.

10 blog ideas for beginner musicians

10 blog ideas for beginner musicians

Starting a blog is an exciting thing. Especially when you have something you love and want to share it with others within your niche. Finding enough ideas to keep your blog moving steadily can be a mission. After all, you…

A step-by-step guide – how to plan a YouTube video

A step-by-step guide - how to plan a YouTube video

If you’re looking to create a one-off video on YouTube, you might not need to put too much planning into it. However, if you’re aiming for YouTube to become a regular path, you’ll need to start thinking long-term. YouTube has…

The role of a voice actor and how to become one

The role of a voice actor and how to become one

Voice actors bring characters to life. They give a voice to the characters on the screens we know and love. But, their job requires a lot of hard work. Voice acting is a captivating art form that breathes life into…

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