Category Guides

Guides you can use to learn, inform and inspire your marketing and promotional plans.

How to make a Fan Link for free

How to make a Fan Link for free

A Fan Link is a marketing tool designed to store all of your streaming store links in one place. They allow music artists the freedom to promote their music without having to share each link individually. A Fan Link is…

How to get started as a business with minimal resources

How to get started as a business with minimal resources

If no one ever started, there wouldn’t be the billions of businesses there are current out there. It’s incredibly daunting to get started, however rewarding in the long run. But, how can you start with limited funds and equipment? Starting…

Music copyright law basics – what every artist should know

Music copyright law basics - what every artist should know

If you’re going to become a music artist, or work within that world, you will need to understand copyright laws. These protect you as much as they protect other music artists around you. If you’re an artist or songwriter, understanding…

How to get your music played on the radio

How to get your music played on the radio

Every day, millions of radio listeners find new favourite songs thanks to the radio. That’s why as a music artist, it’s important you try and get your music featured on air. Getting your music played on the radio can be…

What is a split sheet and why do you need one?

What is a split sheet and why do you need one

If you’re sharing your music with other creators and collaborators, you’ll need to look into split sheets. It protects all of you, and your work. If you’ve ever written a song with other people, whether it’s bandmates, a producer, or…

Steps to trademark your business name

Steps to trademark your business name

If you’ve spent time finding the perfect business name, you want it to be yours and not to be shared by others, right? Well, the best way to do this and protect your name is by trade marking it. 1.…

How to price your products or services competitively

How to price your products or services competitively

Knowing how to set your prices is a tricky one. It can often take a few years of business before you get it right, but not everyone can wait that long. Pricing your products or services correctly is one of…

How to write an effective resume

How to write an effective resume

An effective resume is the difference between getting the job and not. It shows who you are as a person, what you can offer, and how much effort you put into your work before they get a chance to meet…

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