Email your top fans directly with new music Pre-save email collection feature

Add a mailing list option to your Pre-save and download all email addresses from cooperating fans. This will allow you to easily build yourself a platform where you can share your latest updates.

Pre-save mailing list feature

Here at, we are always looking for new ways to connect people together. For us, it’s important to allow music artists and their fans to build a relationship. What better way than the personal touch of an email. Rather than relying on your fans reading every social post, send them something to their own unique email address.

We all spend hours scrolling through social media, and often, the algorithm isn’t that kind to any of us. Rather than running the risk of your content being lost somewhere online, ensure your fans are viewing your work. Send it to them directly. Those who are big fans will appreciate the latest news being sent right to them.

Add email mailing lists to your Pre-save

By using for your Pre-save, you can add an email mailing list option and collect the email addresses of your fans. It’s important to be aware that Apple Music do not allow this feature. So, you will only be able to collect user data from both Spotify and Deezer. The user themselves must allow this.

When a fan chooses to save your music ahead of its release date, they will see the option at the bottom of your link to join your mailing list. If they click this tick box, it will add their email information to a list which you can later download on your PUSH account. From there, you can save the emails and send them a newsletter.

PUSH Pre-save email download GIF

To be able to add this feature to your Pre-saves, you will need a Premium PUSH account. If you don’t already have one, you will need to upgrade for just $5 per month. Also, it’s important to note, if your release hasn’t been Pre-saved by anyone, the download emails action will be disabled for that particular link.

It isn’t just newsletters that you can send to your fans. You could send a personalised email thanking them for saving your release. This might not take you a long time to do, but it could mean the world to your fans. Also, when it comes to future Pre-saves, you’re almost guaranteed interaction because you can email your fans to let them know.

PUSH sign up for free GIF

📌 Please be aware, this feature is now free as of the 24th August 2024. Please see here for updates.

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