ToneDen’s Smart Links are broken which means bad news for Eventbrite too

ToneDen’s domain provider has cut ties but without informing the Smart Link company. So, all creators using ToneDen will now find their links no longer work, and they need to recreate them all.

ToneDen's Smart Links are broken, which means bad news for Eventbrite too. Photo of a 404 error on a MacBook Pro laptop
Credit: Pexels

ToneDen, once a prominent Smart Link platform for music marketers, underwent a significant change. This was following its acquisition by ticketing firm Eventbrite in 2020. Now operating as a service within Eventbrite, ToneDen has encountered a notable issue affecting its users. Broken links. This isn’t looking good for any of their users.

An email distributed to users, shed light on the matter. According to the communication, ToneDen can no longer support Smart Links directing to “.to” domains. To address this challenge, a new domain,, has been secured. Apparently to ensure the smooth continuation of campaigns. But, it still isn’t easy for users.

Transitioning to the new domain poses several tasks for artists and labels. They are required to recreate their links using the new domain. As well as update and relaunch any advertising campaigns, and, if applicable, adjust DNS settings for Fan Links from a custom domain. So, it will require you recreating every link you’ve ever made through ToneDen.

ToneDen’s online help centre provides further context on the situation. It acknowledges the issue with their domain provider, which unfortunately remains beyond their control. Despite their efforts to resolve the matter, the domain provider’s unresponsiveness has posed challenges for users. An issue for both the company and its users.

Nevertheless, ToneDen is committed to finding a long-term solution promptly. The help centre page offers detailed instructions for users on how to rectify their broken links, providing guidance amidst the disruption. However, if you’re looking for an alternative all together, we can recommend our services at

For entities like labels accustomed to utilising Fan Links extensively across numerous campaigns and websites over the years, the email from ToneDen represents a logistical challenge. They now need to retrace their steps from the past and try and bring all information forward into the future. It’s a lot to ask any customer.

In conclusion, while ToneDen continues to serve as a valuable tool for music marketers within Eventbrite, the transition to a new domain has presented unforeseen complications. Despite the inconvenience, efforts are underway to address the issue and ensure a seamless experience for users moving forward. Will it be enough? sign up for free GIF
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