Why do we have a Bio Link containing social media profiles, and why do we think you should too?

Bio Links are becoming more and more popular. They’re a way of providing easy to access links to anyone who might stumble upon your social channels. We have all our social media accounts linked within ours so anyone finding us on one channel, can reach us on all platforms.

Why do we have a Bio Link containing social media profiles, and why do we think you should too? A GIF of our Bio Link in action.

On any of our social channels, you’ll see our Bio Link lurking underneath our description. This is so anyone visiting our pages can have easy access to our various sites. We put all URLs in our Bio Link which could be of any benefit to current or potential users.

You’ll notice that our link contains more than just social media channels. We input our blog, website, FAQ pages and more into our Bio Link. This allows anyone to access the relevant page they need at any time, without having to search for it.

Bio Links allow people to be lazy, but they also keep people engaged. We’ve all experienced a time searching through a website or browser trying to find the one page you need. Well, not with PUSH, our Bio Link is there to eliminate this process.

Bio Links benefit brands and their audience

We want to ensure anyone can flick from our Instagram to our TikTok and then our website at ease. The aim of a Bio Link is to keep all URLs in one place. Not only does this benefit the audience, but also the brand themselves.

They aren’t having to share various URLs for each area of their platform. Instead, they can share the same link with everyone. The difference is, this link is broken down into sections. Allowing a brand’s audience to click on the one URL they’re looking for.

They work so well on social media because when you’re trying to grow one platform, it’s likely you’re trying to grow others too. You can redirect viewers to your other platforms so they can see your content across all channels. Helping you grow equally across the board.

A Bio Link is completely free to make, and you can update it at any stage. Allowing you to stay current and keep your URLs fresh. If you want to add or remove a URL, it will only take moments to do so. But, without a Bio Link, you’re holding yourself back.

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