Tag music artists

Tips for recording audio on your smartphone

Tips for recording audio on your smartphone

There’s really two ways to go about it. One way will be quick, easy and not cost a thing. The other will produce the best quality. So, it’s dependent on what you’re needing the audio for. Smartphone cameras have become…

Music sub-genres on the rise

Music sub-genres on the rise

Typically, when most people think about music, their mind goes straight to the well-known genres. However, over the years, many sub-genres have been on the rise, becoming more and more popular. But, which should be on your radar? We’ve recently…

A singer’s guide to mastering an instrument

A singer's guide to mastering an instrument

While it’s not required to play an instrument, and many singers don’t, it can make you stand out from your competition. Adding an extra layer to your talents and allowing all music created to be yours. Embarking on the journey…

YouTube Shorts introduce AI-generated celebrity voice clones

YouTube Shorts introduce AI-generated celebrity voice clones

Despite controversy following AI cloning actors, and musicians, YouTube Shorts have now uploaded celebrity clones generated through the use of AI. Could this cause another Hollywood strike? Google have now announced their new AI model. They’re calling it the “most…

Top 3 headphone choices for independent musicians

Top 3 headphone choices for independent musicians

Being an independent musician can be costly. Especially in the very beginning. That’s why you don’t want to be spending out on equipment that won’t last, or just isn’t worth it. We’ve put together a list of the top 3…

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