Tag music artists

A guide to making eye-catching visuals for your music

A guide to making eye-catching visuals for your music

Knowing where to begin when it comes to creating eye-catching content can be a bit tricky. You’ve got the great sounds, but how do you encourage people to start listening? Through your visual imagery, of course. In today’s digital age,…

Spotify’s new policies aim to boost earnings for artists

Spotify's new policies aim to boost earnings for artists

Spotify has announced changes to its policy. These updates will help artists of all levels, which is pleasing to hear as many of our users are independent artists. Spotify, the big music streaming company, recently announced some changes to its…

The rise of NFTs in the music industry – what you need to know

The rise of NFTs in the music industry - what you need to know

NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. They’re unique cryptographic tokens that exist on a blockchain. They cannot be replicated. With NFTs continuing to grow in popularity, should musicians start considering them? In recent years, you may have heard about Non-Fungible Tokens…

Splice reveals new mobile app which is powered by AI

Splice reveals new mobile app which is powered by AI

A brand-new mobile app from Splice. The app will allow you to create music easily while on the go. This is after securing $55 million from funding. Splice, a key player in DIY music creation, has made waves since its…

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