Tag diy brand marketing

Coolors – free colour palette generator for creators

Brands, businesses, independent creatives, all have one huge goal in common. Their branding. Without strong branding, how will we know who you are or what you stand for? Your colour choices run deeper than picking your favourite colour and using…

Small brands – how to create a powerful logo for free

Not everyone has a design team on hand to help them create a strong logo. When you’re a small brand, image is everything. It’s how you’ll gain more attraction to your business. Keep reading to find out how you can…

First 1000 – a secret all beginner brands need to know about

Have you ever wondered how companies start up and suddenly have thousands of followers? We’re constantly telling you to grow organically and this is really important. However, it seems suspicious that some brands seem to gain users and followers almost…

PUSH 101: What should a brand name include?

When it comes to creating your brand name, it can be tricky knowing where to start. It’s not something you want to have to change at a later point, so it’s important you get it right from the beginning. Too…

5 benefits to collaborating with other brands and artists

As an independent artist or a small brand, you might be protective over what you’ve created. This is understandable because unfortunately sometimes, people can take advantage of smaller brands. However, if done properly, the benefits of collaborating with another brand…

Top free DIY tools to improve your visual branding

Creating strong, cohesive and eye-catching visual branding doesn’t have to cost the world. We’ve compiled a list of our favourite free tools to help make your brand stand out. Canva Canva is a graphic design website, that allows users to…

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