Tag data

A simple and easy guide to GDPR

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ensures everyone’s personal information is kept private. It controls how companies across the world use your data, and more importantly how you’re made aware of this. GDPR is the strongest privacy law within the world.…

Monthly social media reports – why they’re necessary

Are you a content creator, or do you work within marketing? Perhaps you’re running your own business, so you’re involved in all areas of the company. Either way, you rely on social media. However, if you’re not writing a report,…

The global music industry is set to exceed predictions

Place your bets now, before you read any further… What do you think the global music industry will be worth in 2030? Music is something that will always grow. It will change along the way as we develop new sound…

Spotify’s Q1 earnings for 2022

Spotify have announced their earnings for the first quarter. They’ve taken to For the Record to release information about how the company has performed so far this year. Their users are increasing as are subscribers. It’s sending out a strong…

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