Tag chatgpt

How ChatGPT can help small businesses thrive

How ChatGPT can help small businesses thrive

ChatGPT has made headlines in recent years for being revolutionary. It offers advice, and knowledge that can’t be found as easily elsewhere. There are options for the AI platform to write your CVs and even essays. Running a small business…

Different ways creators can use AI

Different ways creators can use AI

AI has taken over, there’s no denying it. For a while there were concerns that AI would take the role of content creators. However, that has been proven not to be the case. Instead, AI is quite a useful tool…

As a content creator, is the use of AI cheating?

As a content creator, is the use of AI cheating

A debate which will probably be discussed as long as AI is fresh and current. Since many have turned to AI to help with their creations, others have began arguing it isn’t their own work and is therefore cheating. In…

Teenagers rely on AI – should we be concerned?

Teenagers rely on AI - should we be concerned

Research shows, that within the UK alone, 79% of teenagers who are online, use generative AI. Far more use AI than those who don’t. Are younger generations becoming reliant on new technology? During a UK study, it was found that…

ChatGPT hasn’t had an update since 2022

For those who rely on ChatGPT to write essays, or provide them with answers to their ever-burning questions, please ensure you fact-check everything. The popular AI tool hasn’t had an update in almost two years. Many people from all industries…

How does ChatGPT make money?

ChatGPT changed the AI game. Before that, not many used AI in their every day life. A platform so useful, but also… free? How? Where does the money come from? Creating ChatGPT would have cost a lot of money. It’s…

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