Tag brand marketing

Building your brand identity – tips for beginners

Building your brand identity - tips for beginners

Don’t allow your brand to flop from the very beginning. Build an identity that is strong from the start and continue to develop it. Your brand identity is the foundation of your business—it’s what sets you apart from the competition…

What did marketing look like 20 years ago?

What did marketing look like 20 years ago

Marketing has come a long way over the years. What started as shouting about your products in a public place in person, has turned to shouting about it in a public place online. Marketing has undergone significant transformations over the…

Free marketing tools to boost your online presence

Boost your brand, business or yourself as an individual with these free marketing tools. Selling your content and promoting yourself doesn’t have to be expensive. PUSH.fm offer tools for free! Marketing can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be.…

A fool-proof guide to creating infographics

Infographics are eye-catching documents containing concise but useful information. They draw people in with their bold colours and imagery. But while they have you captured, they also provide facts, statistics and figures. What is an infographic? What can you use…

Coolors – free colour palette generator for creators

Brands, businesses, independent creatives, all have one huge goal in common. Their branding. Without strong branding, how will we know who you are or what you stand for? Your colour choices run deeper than picking your favourite colour and using…

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