Tag ai chatbot

What you need to know about AI on Instagram

What you need to know about AI on Instagram

As I’m sure you’re aware, AI is everywhere. It’s taken over and changed the way we process information, think, and act, essentially. Almost as if we’re brainwashed. However, from a business view, it’s great and that’s likely why Instagram have…

Google platform Gemini are adding a Spotify feature

Google platform Gemini are adding a Spotify feature

The Google owned platform Gemini previously added YouTube Music as an extension, and now they’re planning to add Spotify too. Gemini allows people to find music, and create playlists through an AI chatbot. Previously Gemini, a Google owned AI chatbot,…

Teenagers rely on AI – should we be concerned?

Teenagers rely on AI - should we be concerned

Research shows, that within the UK alone, 79% of teenagers who are online, use generative AI. Far more use AI than those who don’t. Are younger generations becoming reliant on new technology? During a UK study, it was found that…

ChatGPT hasn’t had an update since 2022

For those who rely on ChatGPT to write essays, or provide them with answers to their ever-burning questions, please ensure you fact-check everything. The popular AI tool hasn’t had an update in almost two years. Many people from all industries…

YouTube chatbot will appear under certain videos

YouTube are currently working on a new chatbot feature which will appear under a select amount of videos. Users will be able to interact with the chatbot to access information about the video and the creator. YouTube are currently working…

Tako – a new Filipino AI chatbot app designed by TikTok

Artificial intelligence is all anyone’s talking about currently. Us included. Another app is being tested by TikTok within the Philippines. This one is called Tako and the idea is, it can help you solve any problem. TikTok are arguably the…

Top 9 innovative AI chatbots in 2023

Dive into the weird and wonderful world of AI chatbots. With everything from CatGPT, to MeditateBot. There is literally something for everyone. We’re going to look into the strangest AI chatbots around. The world has gone AI crazy! There are…

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