Category Tools

Handy tools you can utilise to grow your fan base and broaden your content’s reach.

Why was my TikTok sound removed?

Why was my TikTok sound removed

You might have added your own sound to the platform and yet still found, it has been removed? But why? Well, TikTok’s guidelines are quite strict, so it’s best to check there first. TikTok is no stranger to removing content… Wrapped 2024 – free music marketing platform Wrapped 2024 - free music marketing platform is a free music marketing platform, offering the tools needed to promote your music to a wider audience. Throughout 2024 there has been some significant growth that you have been part of. is an online platform, offering multiple…

How often should you record your social media stats?

How often should you record your social media stats

You should keep a regular diary of your statistics. This data will show your growth along the way and will show you where any weaknesses may lie. Tracking your social media stats is essential for growing your online presence. It…

What is a generative artist?

What is a generative artist

The use of computers and algorithms to create designs and patterns is known as generative art. There’s something extremely unique about it, because obviously, not two pieces could be the same. A generative artist is someone who creates art using…

The best apps every musician should have in 2025

The best apps every musician should have in 2025

With new technology coming out all the time, it’s almost easier than ever to create your desired sound. Music artists have access to tools that can take their music to the next level. Technology has made it easier than ever…

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