Category Tips

A collection of tips, tricks and hacks that can boost your marketing game and push your creations further.

Behind the scenes – how music distribution platforms work

Behind the scenes - how music distribution platforms work

Music artists can’t distribute their tracks globally without using a distributor. These are the people who get your music on the well known streaming platforms. But, how does the process work? In today’s digital age, the landscape of music distribution…

What exactly is pop music?

Popular music, or pop music for short, is exactly what it suggests – music that is popular. It’s the music we hear in the charts often. It has an upbeat, melody and a catchy tune. Pop music – it’s everywhere.…

What are exclusive samples within the music industry?

What are exclusive samples within the music industry

Exclusive samples are parts of a track. Small parts but important ones nonetheless. For example, a drum pattern, or guitar piece. Exclusive samples are like secret ingredients in a chef’s kitchen or rare gems in a treasure chest for musicians.…

How to easily find your target audience

How to easily find your target audience

Finding your target audience is like searching for your biggest fans—the people who are most likely to love and support what you have to offer. But how do you find them? Let’s break it down into simple steps. Step 1:…

Understanding competitor analysis – your key to success

Understanding competitor analysis - your key to success

In the fast-paced world of business, understanding your competitors is crucial. But what exactly is competitor analysis, and why should you care? Let’s unravel the mystery behind this essential strategy in simple terms. What is competitor analysis? Competitor analysis is…

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