Category Tips

A collection of tips, tricks and hacks that can boost your marketing game and push your creations further.

Grow your TikTok account by creating photo posts

Grow your TikTok account by creating photo posts

TikTok previously added a feature which allowed creators to upload multiple photos to swipe through rather than moving image. The popularity of this feature has risen drastically in recent weeks. When TikTok first introduced photo posts, many content creators gave…

An in-depth guide to keywords

An in-depth guide to keywords

Keywords refer to direct words and phrases people choose to focus on when writing. These words will have been thought through and researched at great lengths to ensure they fit in with the SEO. In the realm of digital marketing…

The power of feedback for small businesses

The power of feedback for small businesses

Many find themselves intimidated by feedback. But, while it can be brutal and awakening, it’s typically full of value and lessons to be learned. Not all feedback is negative. It’s simply the way you choose to take it. In the…

How do the Boxing Day sales benefit music artists?

How do the Boxing Day sales benefit music artists

With Christmas sadly over for another year, we all look for the next focus. This is where many go mad for the Boxing Day sales, securing those items Santa didn’t quite bring them. But, did you know these sales can…

Why you must choose a freelance writing niche

Why you must choose a freelance writing niche

Don’t just write about anything you feel like. While this might sound like a good idea; appealing to the majority… it’s actually more harmful because how can anyone know what to expect from you? How will Google know where to…

How to easily choose photo editing software

How to easily choose photo editing software

There are so many photo editing software programs to choose from, how do you know which is the best? They all have such good qualities, and one that is loved by some, isn’t favoured by others. So, how do you…

3 reasons your Podcast isn’t growing

3 reasons your Podcast isn't growing

If your Podcast has been on air for some time, and you haven’t seen substantial growth, there could be multiple reasons why. Instead of becoming disheartened by it, start focusing on why this might be, and what you can do…

Holiday traditions to try for musicians

The best way to spread festive cheer, is singing loud, for all to hear. Wise words were said by Buddy the elf. However, being a musician often brings stress around the holidays. From running to concerts where you’re required to…

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