
Articles that span the breadth of what we offer at and just how to use all of our tools to the best of your capabilities and applications. – free e-commerce platform to rival Gumroad

Both and Gumroad offer Pay Link tools, allowing you to sell your digital products hassle free. However, how do the two compare? We’ve dived deeper into our rivals at Gumroad, to see how we compare to the platform. Above…

Fan Links: free, smarter music marketing links

A Fan Link is a music marketing link. It combines all of your streaming store URLs into one. You can add in any extra promotional material too, such as social media accounts, and website links. A Fan Link is a…

Pre-saves – a game changer for all music artists

A Pre-save is a digital pre-ordering system, allowing fans to save their favourite artist’s new tracks ahead of release day. On the day of release, they’ll find it within their music library. Pre-saves are extremely popular tools with all music…

3 things any artist needs in their Fan Link

When it comes to creating a Fan Link, you can add as many, or as little URLs as you require. However, there are a few things we would suggest including. Such as; your new music, social platforms and contact information.…

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