Category Content creation

Advice, information, tools and resources to help you create your content.

Instagram introduces Reel responses for comments

Instagram has stepped up the game again. Now you can respond to comments on your Reels with further Reels. Perhaps someone has responded to your video asking you a question that you could clear up easier by filming a response.…

Afterlight – a photo editing app for IOS

With a 4.7 out of 5-star review, it’s a pretty popular app. You can add filters, textures and borders to your images. Making it really easy to change up any photo you’ve snapped while on your phone. Why not give…

A beginner’s guide to Reward Links

Reward Links can be used by anyone really. However, typically they are used by artists encouraging their fans to get involved with their music. A Reward Link offers both you and your audience something in return. You get more exposure…

5 ways independent musicians are wasting their time

As an independent artist, time is money. You’ve got so much to pile onto your plate, it’s important you don’t waste time on things that don’t really need it. Focus on the things that are necessities. Everything else can wait.…

Get paid to create Instagram Reels

TikTok’s rival just got more intense. You can now be paid to create Instagram Reels. Great news for content creators. They can now earn more money through their social media posts. Creatives can be paid up to $35,000 a month,…

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