Do businesses need to create newsletters?

Many companies rely on newsletters for engagement. They’re a fantastic way of spreading messages and promoting new services. However, are they needed? If so, how often should you send them?

Laptop with subscribe newsletter loaded. Sat on a desk with an iPad, glasses, a phone, a book and a plant.

Many businesses use newsletters as a way of keeping in touch with their customers. There are multiple ways you can go about this. Some, use newsletters as a promotional tool. Sending out emails whenever they get an update, or new feature. Others, use it as a way to remind the clients they’re around. Sort of a hi, we miss you angle.

Newsletters can either be informative, or take a marketing view point. It completely depends on your business and what they need. Some businesses send out regular newsletters, and others send them out once in a blue moon. But, how do you find the right balance for your company? Well, first you need to decide why you’re using them.

Before deciding whether to create yourself a newsletter, you need to figure a few things out. How often you’ll be sending them. Who you’ll send them to – current clients, potential clients or both. You need to also ensure you have your business design figured out; logo, fonts, colour scheme etc.

You can use newsletters to build relationships and trust. Providing your customers with discount codes, or secret offers gives them a great incentive to use your company. Once they’ve had one good experience, they’re more likely to come back. Especially if every so often they have another newsletter with offers inside.

Letting your customers know about new launches about to happen is also a great way to spread the word of your company. Perhaps try sending multiple as many will delete the first, but might open the second. A simple second newsletter further down the line with a reminder could be the push they need.

Your company does not need to create newsletters. However, they are a really beneficial tool as you can mould them to fit any scenario. Once you have your own template set up with your logo, contact details, website etc built in, you can adapt your newsletters easily. While they might not be a necessity, they are extremely valuable so don’t miss out!

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