Independent artists – avoid getting caught out by music industry scams

Unfortunately there are a lot of people who will try and catch you out in the music industry. In fact, the world of the arts can be a difficult place at times. However, overall it’s powerful and life changing. We’re here to help you spot the signs of something being too good to be true though. That way, you might feel more comfortable making decisions when it comes to your tracks.

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❌ Things to avoid on social media

We’re always giving you advice on how positive the power of social media is. Don’t get us wrong, it is a really useful tool and one you definitely need to get on board with. However, it is also the place where you’re most likely to get caught out. People can pretend to be anyone on the internet. Hiding behind a keyboard makes it a lot easier to convince people they’re something they’re not. Here are some things we’d suggest avoiding completely 👇

  • Follow loops and gain pages – They act like they’re going to help you gain followers, but really it’s all a con. People are less likely to follow you if you’re constantly spamming them with who to follow next, which is usually part of the follow loop rules.
  • Follow 4 follow – Sometimes they’re beneficial. If you want the following of that person, sure why not ask. However, many times these types of accounts end up clogging your feed. Your algorithm is thrown off by people who don’t have the same interests, and you don’t get to build your artist page based off your own likes.
  • Shoutouts – It’s similar to the previous point. Sometimes they’ll be a blessing, so we’re not saying never. However, only for artists that will benefit you also. Don’t get into a habit of doing it for every single person that follows you on social media. It will put people off as it becomes spam.
  • Buying followers – A massive no. We can’t stress this enough. You might sit with thousands of followers after purchasing them, however they’ll be bot like accounts. Possibly sleeper accounts, meaning they’re not likely to engage with your content. Having followers is one thing, but you won’t grow if your followers aren’t commenting on and liking your work.
  • Be aware of brand collabs – Collabs are really powerful, and we’d always recommend them if they’re going to help. You need to make sure both parties are agreed on what you want out of it. Especially on sites like Instagram there are a lot of brands asking for payments for their products that they then want you to promote. Be picky with which ones you choose. It doesn’t make sense to pay for a service you’re then going to advertise, if you get nothing in return.

Always be aware of exactly what is being asked of you and more importantly what you will receive in return. Yes, it’s great to build up relationships on social media, but only if they’re going to impact you in the best way possible. Sometimes things are too good to be true, and it’s worth looking into each opportunity before you go for it. A creditable artist or brand will understand this.

❌ Things to avoid on streaming stores

Streaming stores are almost like social media in many ways. They require the same level of attention and detail. You need to update them often and keep your artist branding consistent across them all. There are also ways companies will try and catch you out on them though. As streaming platforms involve making money from your tracks, you need to ensure you’re not overlooking anything.

  • Bots and fake accounts – Avoid them completely. Some are more obvious than others, so it can be tricky. Look out for accounts with no artist image, no bio or description and no content. If they’re legit, they should have something showing it.
  • Don’t pay for streams – Streaming stores are cracking down more than ever. If your streams suddenly seem inconsistent, you’ll likely have your release removed. Check out our blog post about fraud streaming here.
  • Accounts that want your personal information – Obviously if they’re going to pay you for a service they’ll want your PayPal or the equivalent. That’s fine, but we’re talking about companies asking for your personal details, your release info etc. Avoid giving much away until you see a contract, otherwise they could be trying to scam you.
  • New accounts – Yes, we’ve all got to start somewhere. Perhaps you yourself are new to the music industry. That’s fine, but do background checks first. Don’t just take their word for it that they’re new and legit. Research about them or get them to provide you with proof they are who they say they are.

If it sounds too good to be true, it might very well be. Obviously that isn’t always the case. Look at we offer a completely free service and there’s no catch there. However, companies that are legit should be able to provide evidence to this. You will get some brilliant opportunities in the music industry, just make sure you have done your homework first to avoid getting caught out.

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