It’s vital that you can visually express yourself and your brand’s aesthetic in your campaign’s landing pages. Learn how you can pimp out your campaigns to be cohesive with your branding.
Whenever a fan clicks on any of your campaign URLs, they’ll be presented with a beautiful landing page. Every type of campaign can be extensively customised, meaning you can keep your branding cohesive across all of your content, platforms and links.
Feature image
One of the most impactful visuals within your landing page is your feature image. These images should be:
⏹ A perfect square – any images that are not a perfect square will be cropped.
🔎 At least 1400 x 1400 pixels – by making sure your image is above this size ensures it looks clean, professional and un-pixelated.
If you’re struggling to re-size your imagery, there are plenty of online tools, such as PicResize that you can do this with.
💾 JPG, PNG, GIF or SVG – we accept the most commonly used image formats; JPG, PNG and SVG. We also accept GIFs! GIFs will only make your landing pages more eye-catching and engaging for your audience.
The background of your landing pages is automatically generated from the feature image you upload. This keeps the colour palette of your landing page consistent whilst the slight background blur will keep the most important parts of your landing page firmly in focus.
Button logos (in Fan Links)
Because you can add any URL you want to your Fan Link, we knew how important it was to have control over the logos you associate with each URL.
PUSH offers a handful of pre-made logos for the most common musical and social platforms. But, if wanting to spice up your link and further customise it to suit your aesthetic, you can add your own URL logos as you see fit.
If you don’t want to use logos, you can instead use the name of the service you set.

Get started making your first campaign at for free; if you’re unsure what campaign will suit you can check out our other articles:
What is a Fan Link? Customisable all-in-one landing pages for content creators
What is a Pre-save? The streaming equivalent of pre-ordering an album/single
What is a Content Unlock? Reward your fans by unlocking content in exchange for their engagement and social interactions