Tag twitter updates

Twitter introduce a FYP (For You Page) just like TikTok

Twitter have changed the way you’ll view your timeline. Instead of tweets being shown based upon an algorithm, they’ll now be displayed based on your preferences. Users will have the option to switch between two tabs – Following and For…

Will social media ever die out?

Are we too used to it now, that we will never be able to live without social media? Or, is there only so far it can go? Will it become so routine that it’s essentially boring and no longer wanted?…

Twitter aim to cut down on misleading viral tweets

If someone with a strong following sends out a tweet, within minutes it’s spread across the platform. This is why it can be seriously damaging if people with power say the wrong thing. Sometimes it could be a careless accident.…

Twitter features to be added if Elon Musk takes over

So, we’re still waiting on the final call. It seems Elon Musk will be successful within his new purchase of the social media giant Twitter. However, the shareholders and regulators get the final say. If he is successful, there are…

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