Tag social media insights

Lemon8 the TikTok savvy social media platform

Lemon8 looks like a hybrid between Instagram and Pinterest. It’s a social media platform where users can upload photos with captions but not text-based posts. Designed with creatives in mind. Lemon8 was designed with creatives in mind. Just like Threads…

What is shadowbanning, and how do you avoid it?

If you’ve noticed a huge dip in your social media engagement recently, you might be experiencing a shadowban. Believe it or not, they are real. All social platforms have their own version, we’ve broken down how they all work below.…

Instagram’s 9:16 TikTok style feed – where did it go?

Remember that update Instagram put in place that no one was expecting? In 2022 Instagram made some changes that didn’t go down well with its users. In an aim to make a more immersive experience, Instagram changed their photo formatting.…

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