Tag social influence

3 lessons for any hopeful influencers

Becoming an influencer is more than just being likeable online. You need to understand digital landscaping, and know how to create authentic and organic content. It’s unlikely all those who set out to become an influencer are successful. Many influencers…

How to make money on social media

As more creators emerge, the social media market is saturated with people earning money through uploading content. Is there enough room left for new earners? If so, where to start? With more and more people signing up to social media…

Beginner’s guide to UGC (User Generated Content)

User Generated Content, also known as UGC relates to content created by individuals rather than a marketing firm, business or professional creator. What is UGC (User Generated Content)? UGC is content created by an individual who has no contract with…

The rise in popularity of social commerce

Social commerce is the process of selling products through social platforms. The purchases come directly from social media, rather than a consumer being directed elsewhere. This has risen in popularity in the past year, and it seems it will continue…

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