Tag facebook tools

Facebook have set up their own TikTok account

Following on from Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg stating that the future of social media is in TikTok, Facebook have now created their very own account on the platform. Currently, they haven’t prepared any videos, but we’re interested to see what’s…

Top resources for independent musicians

It can be tricky without a label telling you what step to take next. How do you figure out what you need and what you don’t? It’s not just finding the right platforms, but you also need to find the…

Social media stars – can you go viral on every platform?

Is it possible for every content creator to go viral across every social media platform? Or, should they stick to conquering a certain few? Each platform is different, they have a different vibe and often a different user base. Of…

Top 5 smartphone apps for scheduling social media posts

So you’ve gone ahead and prepped multiple of images ready to go. You’ve edited them and feel super ready to get them online. However, you don’t want to have to set a reminder each day to post them. You certainly…

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