Category Streaming stores

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Everything and anything associated with digital streaming stores; including the big boys, Spotify, Apple Music & Deezer.

Apple Music’s updates – track the most broadcasted songs

Apple Music's updates - track the most broadcasted songs

Track the songs that are broadcasted the most through radio stations. Apple Music have made some changes to how their platform Shazam works. Now, with a Shazam-powered playlist, you can see the most broadcasted tracks. Apple Music have used their…

Gemini the AI tool plans to add YouTube Music shortcuts

Gemini the AI tool plans to add YouTube Music shortcuts

Gemini is an AI tool developed by Google. The idea behind it is to increase productivity across Google services. Now, they’re working on YouTube Music extensions and some useful shortcuts. Gemini is an artificial intelligence (AI) developed by Google that…

How to make a quick Pre-save to promote your music

How to make a quick Pre-save to promote your music

A Pre-save is a digital housing system. It allows your fans to save your music before it reaches stores. On release day, your music will then automatically be placed into their library. Having your fans save your music ahead of…

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