Category Instagram

Articles, tips, guides and tricks centred around Instagram.

Why you must choose a freelance writing niche

Why you must choose a freelance writing niche

Don’t just write about anything you feel like. While this might sound like a good idea; appealing to the majority… it’s actually more harmful because how can anyone know what to expect from you? How will Google know where to…

3 reasons your Podcast isn’t growing

3 reasons your Podcast isn't growing

If your Podcast has been on air for some time, and you haven’t seen substantial growth, there could be multiple reasons why. Instead of becoming disheartened by it, start focusing on why this might be, and what you can do…

Are Facebook and Instagram breaking up?

Facebook and Instagram have been joined for quite some time. Even more so when both were put under an umbrella known as Meta. However, now, both platforms have shared information that cross-platform messaging will come to an end very soon.…

3 ways to make your link tree stand out with

3 ways to make your link tree stand out with

Avoid having a generic link tree template. They don’t allow you to stand out, or represent yourself in the best way. You need something strong and punchy to ensure people remember your name. No longer can companies and brands ignore…

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