Category Instagram

Articles, tips, guides and tricks centred around Instagram.

The importance of a link in bio

A link in bio refers to the link that is present within a creator or brand’s social media bio. This is often a Smart Link containing multiple URLs in one. A link in bio is simply a URL that is…

Skydive in Singapore through iFly Smart Link

Discover indoor skydiving packages available for a different range of budgets. Learn about iFly’s safety features to reassure you before you take the leap. iFly have an advanced Smart Link containing everything you need to know. iFly is an indoor…

3 lessons for any hopeful influencers

Becoming an influencer is more than just being likeable online. You need to understand digital landscaping, and know how to create authentic and organic content. It’s unlikely all those who set out to become an influencer are successful. Many influencers…

3 social media trends to watch out for in 2023

As we near the end of 2023, we can look back on various social trends that have occurred throughout the year. Some of these will carry through to next year, as many were so versatile anyone could use them. There…

How to make money on social media

As more creators emerge, the social media market is saturated with people earning money through uploading content. Is there enough room left for new earners? If so, where to start? With more and more people signing up to social media…

How to market your brand for Halloween

How to market your brand for Halloween

It’s spooky season. Halloween is on its way. If you haven’t already considered your marketing plan, now is the time. Any niche can get involved with the holidays, if you know how. The minute summer is over, the world moves…

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