Category Resources

Valuable resources you can use to market your music and content.

A guide to brainstorming Ideas for your next music track

A guide to brainstorming Ideas for your next music track

Finding a new idea can be tricky. Where do you start when you feel empty? Going back to the beginning can sometimes help, and stopping the pressure. Don’t force it. Whether you’re a seasoned musician or a budding artist, the…

Unveiling the magic behind cartoon creation

Unveiling the magic behind cartoon creation

Cartoons don’t go from an idea to screen overnight. Instead, they take a lot of time and commitment to reach the required result. Many creatives come together to create each iconic character. Have you ever wondered about how your favourite…

A simple guide to setting up a YouTube account

A simple guide to setting up a YouTube account

For those looking to share their talents, or interests with the world, YouTube is a great platform. It offers long and short-form videos and a range of tools to monitor engagement. Setting up a YouTube account opens the door to…

Should your business get VR ready?

Should your business get VR ready

With the world turning more towards Web3 and VR becoming less of a rarity, we can expect to see more businesses adopting the use of VR. Implementing it into your brand now could see you miles ahead of your competition.…

A digital strategy to benefit you and your audience

Remove the back and forth with no gain element. Instead, add in extra steps to allow both you and your consumer a chance to get answers to queries while asking more questions. All with a simple digital idea. When a…

Should independent artists promote their music on social media?

Recently, a new argument has come about whether independent musicians should be marketing their music online. Should they promote new releases across social platforms, or is this begging too much? There’s been quite the stir within the music world recently,…

A guide to choosing your dream brand name

A guide to choosing your dream brand name

You’ve got your business idea ready to go, but one thing’s stopping you… your brand name. How do you even begin to find something that speaks for your brand and has your identity at the heart of it? Embarking on…

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