Category Branding

Everything surrounding branding; from how to make a brand name to constructing an aesthetic on a budget.

TikTok’s new viral AI image trend

TikTok's new viral AI image trend

If you’re on TikTok, you’ve probably already seen plenty of AI images bouncing around the platform. Creators are making cute AI images for all events and niches, and viewers are hooked. The photos above are some AI images we created…

20 weird and wonderful business name ideas from ChatGPT

Creating a unique and different business name can be difficult. Has it been done before? Does it stand out enough. So many questions to consider. We decided we’d ask the all-knowing ChatGPT for some help. We know finding the right…

Registering a business within the UK in 2024

If you live and own a business within the UK, you might be looking to register it. Not everyone will want to or need to, but, for those that do, you will want to know what type of registration you’ll…

A complete guide to watermarking your images

Watermarking your images can help protect them from being used without your permission. Many creatives add this as an extra layer of protection. So what is watermarking? Well, if you’re not already clued-up, it’s simple – watermarking is where the…

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