Pre-saves help your favourite artists secure listeners. They’re a promotional tool for them to use ahead of their release date. By you saving their tracks, the artists know they’ll have an audience on the day their tracks are live.

Pre-saves are great for both the artists and you as a fan. They allow the artist to promote their music ahead of its release day, while letting you prepare for it too. Artists can expand their audience by sharing their Pre-save link on all platforms and requesting their fans share their links too. It means on the day of release, the music will automatically be placed into your library. You don’t have to search for the tracks and the artists themselves don’t have to share every store link. It also means you can enjoy the build up to release day, knowing you’ll have the track ready to go.
Why is it important to save early?
Saving early means you won’t miss the track release. Long gone are the days when you’d have to queue for hours ahead of stores opening to get your hands on your favourite artist’s music. It means everyone has the same chance and opportunity. Rather than there being a cost to fans, and potential disappointment of the store running out of copies, everyone can access the music at the same time. It gives a sense of togetherness because all fans can stream from the minute it hits the stores.
You know with saving as soon as you can that you will have the music in your library on the release day. Also with a Pre-save you get to select the store you prefer. So, if you’re a Spotify user, you can save the release in Spotify ready for it dropping. You won’t have to worry about other people hearing it before you. No need to message friends asking if they’ve found it in stores and what the link is. Instead, it will be in your saved songs. Pre-saves help both the fans and the artists. They make music more accessible than it ever has been.
Artists have the reassurance that their music will be heard when it becomes available. It’s really hard for artists to market themselves enough. They work hard for each release and deserve for as many people to hear it as possible. However, it isn’t always easy to expand your audience. With a Pre-save, artists are guaranteeing listeners. While they promote their Pre-save, they can also ask their fans to do the same and this will help their audience expand. With no cost to an artist, they’re fantastic tools to use.