5 reasons why you need Smart Links within your marketing

It doesn’t matter what niche you’re trying to appeal to. You should always consider using Smart Links within your marketing. Without it, you lose out on potential clients. It’s important to appeal to everyone and their wants or needs. By not choosing to create Smart Links for your brand or business, you’re essentially having to prioritise these wants and needs.

Bio Link example

1. Understand your audience

You can learn so much through creating Smart Links. Information will start showing itself to you. You’ll start to understand what sites are the most popular and what your clients want from your promotion. Each click will be processed. With PUSH, you can look at your statistics to see how well your Smart Links are performing. If you have multiple links and one seems to be doing better than others. Use this information to figure out why one might be performing better. Have you been advertising it on different platforms? Are you changing the times of your promotion? Or, are there links included in one that aren’t in another? Potentially you may find one is more popular due to your store choices.

2. Give your audience choice

With a Smart Link you can add as many URLs as you like. It’s great to add more to increase the options presented to your audience. For example, are you selling a product? If so, you might want to include more than one sales site. Perhaps you’re selling on eBay or Amazon, why not broaden this by also selling on Etsy? Adding as many store links into your Smart Link as you can means people can choose their preferred store. Sometimes, people will go to make a purchase and then discover they have to create an account for that site which then puts them off. This can be time-consuming and ruins the desire for online shopping by not being as speedy as people would like. If it’s music links you’re promoting. Let your audience select their preferred streaming store. They’re not going to set up an Apple Music account if they already pay for Spotify. Including multiple links gives your audience choice.

3. Keep it organised

Having everything in one neat and tidy place is a great idea. Not just for your personal life. But, also for your digital one too. This is because as you start to grow and develop more links, things will start to get messy. It’s hard to keep track of every URL when you have so many. So, if you compile them into one place that is specific to the one project, then you can’t ever lose any. You can title your projects so easily with PUSH. Then they’ll be clear, and you don’t have to work your way through multiple tools to find the one you’re looking for. It means you can find exactly what you need, when you need it. This take a lot of stress away from you and frees up time for other things.

4. Give your links a personal touch

A standard URL is pretty boring. There isn’t much to it, and it doesn’t speak for your brand or business. Creating a Smart Link allows you to rename your URL. This will make it easier for your audience to know they’ve come to the right place. It adds your personal stamp to it. You can also edit store logos, or add your own. If you’re including your own website within your links, this is a really useful tool PUSH features. Include artwork which speaks for your company. Think about one image that makes you stand out. How do you want people to view you? Bringing all of your links under one which has been customised strengthens your branding.

5. Build a fanbase

If your fanbase is currently small. Grow it. Smart Links really help with this because they’re a simple way of promoting yourself often. You don’t need to spend time promoting each individual link and sourcing the relevant links for each potential client. Instead, they can find everything they need through your one handy URL. It gives them the power of being able to find what they were looking for without having to ask for help. It also means you aren’t spending endless amounts of time responding to people requesting certain links. You also aren’t required to make sure each link has had its own promotion. The more accessible your brand is, the more it will grow. People love to be able to find what they need easily. By making this an option, you’re likely to build a stronger fanbase than ever.

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