Spotify launches DJ mixes – new feature exclusive to the dance genre

Launching in 8 markets around the world, Spotify have introduced a new feature. Dance and Electronic music fans will be excited to hear about this new launch. DJs will now be able to share their full-length mixes with their fans. This all comes very soon after Apple Music announced a similar thing.

Panda on DJ decks

Not much has been released about the new feature yet, however from what we do know it will offer a lot more to dance and electronic music fans than is currently offered. DJs across the world are now releasing their own music mixes, as well as high-quality complications.

It seems that DJs will now be able to add full-length mixes to the platform, although it hasn’t yet been said just who will be able to use this feature. By this, we mean, it is uncertain whether every DJ out there will eventually be able to upload this type of content, or whether it will be a select few.

Currently, it’s been suggested that this is a soft launch as the countries able to access this are; U.K., Ireland, the Netherlands, Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand. It begs the question, why haven’t other countries been included? Where are the likes of America? Will they be able to access this shortly? Or, is it perhaps a trail run to see how it takes off?

It’s said that the new DJ Mixes feature will provide a place where artists can easily connect with their audience. As it has only just begun rolling onto the platform, it’s thought it will grow overtime. It would be nice if Spotify could give some further information on this though. It all seems a little hush, hush. According to Spotify this will help DJs grow their fanbase, so it will be interesting to see. Especially if it is eventually accessible to all artists within this genre.

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