Release plan for new independent artists

It can be a challenge to start from the beginning. Not knowing where to turn first. You don’t want to just jump in and create a song if no one will hear it, right? That’s why it is important to set yourself a release schedule, so you can build a fanbase where your music will be heard.

Damian Keyes via YouTube

This video breaks down everything you need to know about starting from scratch. You don’t need a huge following to release music. Everyone has to start from the beginning at some time. We’re aware it can seem daunting, especially if you’re seeking inspiration from artists who are already well established.

It’s mentioned within this video that putting music out there with no one listening is almost like you’re hoping someone will stumble across it. While this is something we hope happens for all of you, we’re aware it’s very hard to just be discovered without putting any work in. Make your artist brand strong so that the rest can follow. According to Damian, if you are starting from the beginning your release has to be the most important part. It makes sense. How are you going to encourage people to listen if they don’t know what genre of music you’re producing? People won’t follow if your work isn’t for them, so if you don’t have any work for them to hear, why should they follow you?

Releasing music should be a fun process. It’s going to seem intense and possibly scary to start with, but it will eventually get easier. Take advice wherever you can and learn from past mistakes. Ensure your release plan is ready ahead of schedule and that you stick to it the best you can.

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