PUSH.fm’s Audience Page – enhance your Audience management with custom audience tags and location data

PUSH.fm's Audience Page - take your email marketing to the next level with custom tags and location data. Screenshot of the new Audience Page overview.

Before, we allowed you to see which links brought the views, and while this is still on dashboard feature, we’ve added something to shake things up. Introducing our tags feature, which will now accompany our Audience Page.

You get to choose your own mailing list tags. It’s an exciting feature because it really allows you to split different types of audience members into specific categories. You’ll be able to assign different tags to all your links, letting you see where members cross over.

If you’re using our mailing list feature, you’ll be able to see the new tags option. You can use this to narrow down exactly where your sign-ups came from. This is particularly useful for those who often run campaigns to encourage growth.

You can also see your growth over various periods of time. Next to it, you’ll notice a world map, showing you where the majority of your interactions come from. Before you plan your next newsletter, why not tailor it to your most popular location?

Let’s face it, your Bio Link will have different interactions to your Pre-save because people are there for a completely different reason. You can add tags as you go if you wish, so you can start analysing exactly where your members are coming from.

While your Audience Page will show you which links your sign-ups came from, tags will allow you to narrow this information down even further. Tags can even cross over, so if you have a particularly invested audience member, they’ll appear in various tags.

PUSH.fm's Audience Page - take your email marketing to the next level with custom tags and location data. Graphics of audience data and tags.

If you’re planning to run a Summer campaign, you might want to create a tag for it. Allowing you to know exactly when that group of people joined your mailing list. It could help you tailor your email newsletters.

How do I use Audience Page tags?

There are a couple of different ways you can utilise the tags option. The one we’d most recommend is when setting up your links, add the relevant tags you want to connect to those links as you go. All mailing list sign-ups will then appear under these tags.

However, with that being said, for any existing links, you can go back and add tags. Or, if you aren’t yet sure how to allocate your audience members, you can save the tags for a later stage. Your audience data will still be collected.

You will still know who has signed up to your mailing list via which link. However, tags are extremely useful as you grow, because you might do different marketing pushes and want to know exactly where each member slots into your marketing plan.

PUSH.fm's Audience Page - take your email marketing to the next level with custom tags and location data. GIF showing how to use the audience tags.

As you can see in the above GIF, you can flick between your tags. You will notice that the same user can appear in multiple tags. This is because when creating the link they used for mailing list sign up, there were multiple tags attached to it.

Tags can be added to a user at this stage. If you want to make more user-specific tags, this is a way you can do this. You can also add them to existing tags by selecting the Add Tags button at the bottom of the page. The user will need to be selected to be able to do this.

If you’re a creative who does different social media experiments and growth opportunities, you might follow a strategy when organising your tags. Perhaps with every new marketing campaign, you set up a fresh set of tags relating to that time period.

What did you do differently in your January Reward Link to your March one? Why do the number of sign-ups differ so much? How can you reach wider audiences to encourage that steady growth? These are all questions you can start asking once you’ve added tags.

They allow yourself as the brand, content creator, marketer and much more to see the exact benefits of your campaigning tactics. If you have hundreds of email sign-ups, that’s a lot of data to scroll through. Having clear tags will help you break this up.

Well, the beauty of the feature is, you have full control. By that, we mean, you are setting your own tags. You might be running a Reward Link, alongside your Bio Link and Pre-save, perhaps. Maybe they all fall under the same marketing push.

If they do, you can use the same tags across each campaign. This will keep everything organised, and you will know which strategy plan each block of links came from. Of course, as you continue with your growth, the tool will become more and more beneficial.

Once you have picked the tags, they will be automatically assigned whenever your audience members sign up to receive your mail. You’ll see, in the GIF example below, a user signing up for a mailing list. They will then be placed in the relating tags.

How to set up Audience tags

When creating any type of link; Pre-save, Smart Link, Reward Link, Competition, or Pay Link, you will see the option to add a Mailing List to your landing page. In order to collect audience data and therefore categorise them with tags, you will need a mailing option.

Where the mailing option appears will differ depending on the link type you are creating. For example, making a Reward Link, you’ll see the Mailing List can be added as a task for your audience to complete in order to claim their reward.

However, when making your own Bio Link, the Mailing List option can be found as an extra at the bottom of your page. When choosing your links, you’ll notice a section that asks if you want to add an email sign-up. You’ll need to click yes for the option to appear.

In the above GIF, you will see the option to add an email-sign up button. Once this option has been selected, a new box will appear where you can input your email, icon and button text. It will display at the bottom of your link.

Emails will be collected and stored in the same way, whichever link type you display them on. A Reward Link allows you to use sign-ups as an incentive to access a digital reward. However, it still collects the information in the same manner.

As soon as you have selected the Mailing List button on any link type, you will see the new Audience tag option. This is where you can input any information which will help you tell your campaigns apart. Try to be specific with what you label your tags as. It will help.

Who will the Audience Page tags benefit?

Anyone who uses a Mailing List and provides their audience a chance to sign up to theirs via their PUSH links can benefit from these new tags. However, those who will benefit the most are those who have the aim to grow and expand.

If you have a lot of links on your PUSH account, or are receiving a lot of sign-ups, you’ll likely want to start using this feature sooner rather than later. It will give you an option to really separate where your audience come from clearly and concisely.

As you continue to grow you’ll start seeing more and more sign-ups which will fill your Audience Page, and it can be overwhelming, which is why having the option to split them as you go would help. You can add tags at any stage in your progression.

Audience Page tags breakdown

Here’s the nitty-gritty of how it all works and the fine print:

🎟 PUSH users on both free and Premium accounts can add tags to their audience.
🔗 Audience tags can be applied whenever you add the Mailing List option to a link.
🖇 Every type of link created will have this feature.
👯 All tags can be found on your Audience Page for you to filter through.
📅 You can assign tags after a link has been created through your Audience Page. Select the users in bulk and assign/create a new tag.
✉ Someone must sign up to your Mailing List to be on your tags.
🧑 People may have multiple tags.
âš– As each link is different, the Audience Tag entry box will appear in a different place, but it is always under the Mailing List option.
🖼 If you update your tags, your current audience will remain the same. Only new sign-ups will have the changes applied.

📌 Please note: Contacts gathered before October 9th, 2024, will not include location data.

PUSH.fm sign up for free GIF
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