Spotify Instagram notes integration in the works to share real-time listening activity

Meta and Instagram are said to be working together to create an Instagram integration. This will allow users to share the music they’re streaming in real-time right from the platform’s Notes option.

Remember the good old days of MSN? Where we could all share what we were listening to directly to the platform. Friends could see our songs of choice, and it was a great conversation starter… Well, Meta and Spotify want to bring this back. The two companies are teaming together to create a collaboration for Instagram users.

Soon, Instagram users will be able to share the songs they’re streaming directly through the platform’s Notes feature. It’s important to note, this is different from the current option, which allows users to upload what they’re listening to directly to their stories. Instagram’s story feature includes; Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer and other streaming platforms.

Currently on the platform, users can add their favourite song into their stories whether they’re streaming it currently or not. However, this new feature will be part of Instagram Notes and will show in live time what users are listening to. Notes is a newer feature on the social platform. It allows users to post updates for a short period of time.

If you upload something to your Notes, it will disappear within 24 hours. Just like Instagram stories do. However, your Notes will be displayed at the top of the messaging page. The new music feature hadn’t been announced before users started noticing it. It was posted to Threads by a user who had spotted it, although Spotify haven’t commented on this.

Instagram and Spotify will integrate

Rather than a user having to click on multiple buttons to share their favourite tracks to Instagram, the new option will allow the two platforms to work together. Instagram will pick up on the music being streamed through Spotify and will share it in real-time to a user’s profile. Each time a song is skipped, or replayed, it will show this live.

It’s important to be aware that users can opt out of sharing their songs at any time. You do not have to link your Spotify to your Instagram account, and even if you do, you can change this decision at a later date. There are no requirements to share your listening habits. It’s just a bit of fun that could act as a conversation starter.

This isn’t the first fun collab Spotify have had. They’re often working with companies to create fun and engaging options for users. Previously, they have worked with Google. Allowing users to integrate their Spotify account with the Google clock app. This allows users to wake up to their favourite songs playing. Spotify also teamed up with Tinder to add a Music Mode.

Music Mode displays a Tinder user’s music preferences to their profile. This can help influence matches based on music tastes. These steps Spotify are taking to work with various platforms are a great way of getting people talking and streaming new songs. It’s a great bit of fun for Spotify users and also brilliant for all platforms involved. sign up for free GIF
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