Apple Music’s updates – track the most broadcasted songs

Track the songs that are broadcasted the most through radio stations. Apple Music have made some changes to how their platform Shazam works. Now, with a Shazam-powered playlist, you can see the most broadcasted tracks.

Apple Music's updates - track the most broadcasted songs. Screenshots of the "Top 200 on Radio playlist."
Credit: Apple

Apple Music have used their Shazam technology to create a playlist tracking radio broadcasts. The Shazam-powered playlist will update regularly, allowing listeners to tune in to the most played songs on the radio. The Radio Spins chart can also be found on Shazam’s website.

Shazam is able to use the music recognition technology in-built into the platform to log what songs are played on the radio. It doesn’t just cover one station, either. Shazam is tracking radio stations across the world to help discover globally trending music.

The music platform is able to track over one million hours of music played each day. This is across many radio stations. All information is collected and recorded to help build a data set. Apple Music users can find a playlist named 200 Radio Chart.

Apple Music’s new Music Partner Program

This playlist is updated each day. There are charts for a variety of genres. Users are able to gather more insights through Shazam. They can access weekly charts. Apple aren’t stopping there, either. They’re working on a new Music Partner Program.

This will be a premium toolkit allowing music artists to breakthrough and be discovered. Emerging trends and talents will be monitored and distributors and labels will be able to join the program. Meaning, they can see how the artists they manage compare.

There will be various metrics and analytics available, so monitoring success compared with other similar artists should be easier than ever. This new feature should make the process for artists and their labels much smoother. Being able to understand how they’re performing.

Apple Music's updates - track the most broadcasted songs. Photo of the analytics view.
Credit: Apple Music

By accessing the program, you will be able to use dashboards such as Chart Explore. This is a database of charts, covering 270 countries and 60 genres. Shazam Radio Spins data will be accessible through the program too. It will count real-time listeners.

Any data published through the online dashboard will have dedicated APIs that partners are able to integrate with. Only a select group of artists, record labels and distributors within the US are able to access this at the moment. In time, it’s likely to reach further. sign up for free GIF
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