Tag discussions

Music sub-genres on the rise

Music sub-genres on the rise

Typically, when most people think about music, their mind goes straight to the well-known genres. However, over the years, many sub-genres have been on the rise, becoming more and more popular. But, which should be on your radar? We’ve recently…

How does ChatGPT make money?

ChatGPT changed the AI game. Before that, not many used AI in their every day life. A platform so useful, but also… free? How? Where does the money come from? Creating ChatGPT would have cost a lot of money. It’s…

TikTok’s latest transparency report

In an aim to be completely open, TikTok have released their transparency report. Within it, you can see content and adverts that have been pulled down from the platform throughout the past 12 months. TikTok have released their transparency report,…

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