Category Content marketing

How content creators can use the breadth of tools to market their content and further their brand or business.

How to get signed as a music artist – a simple guide

How to get signed as a music artist - a simple guide

Being signed isn’t for every artist. However, for those who are looking for that next step, it can be a challenge to know where to start looking. So, you’ve been honing your musical skills, writing songs, and dreaming of sharing…

A beginner’s guide to finding a book publisher

If you’re looking to publish a book you’ve worked so hard on, you’ll want to ensure it goes to the right publisher. Otherwise, you run the risk of it not performing well. So, you’ve poured your heart and soul into…

The vital importance of client confidentiality for businesses

The vital importance of client confidentiality for businesses

In the modern business landscape, trust is the cornerstone of successful relationships. Among the many facets of trust, one critical aspect that cannot be overlooked is client confidentiality. But what exactly does this entail, and why is it so crucial…

Easy hack to bring more viewers into your streams

Easy hack to bring more viewers into your streams

Free and easy, this hack will secure you more stream views every time. It’s effortless to set up, and could be the marketing tool you’ve been missing. Whether you stream on Twitch, YouTube or Steam, keep reading! Streamers of all…

TikTok’s new viral AI image trend

TikTok's new viral AI image trend

If you’re on TikTok, you’ve probably already seen plenty of AI images bouncing around the platform. Creators are making cute AI images for all events and niches, and viewers are hooked. The photos above are some AI images we created…

Copyright free classical music available for free download

Whether you’re a classical music lover, or you’re looking for something to fill time while you scramble to find an answer with your client on hold, we have some copyright free classical pieces for you. People use classical music for…

Debunking common myths about music artists

When you tell someone you’re a music artist, often they’ll presume you’re someone who sings as a hobby and that’s about it. But, in reality, music is more than that, it’s a lifestyle and for some artists, their whole world.…

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