Category Content marketing

How content creators can use the breadth of tools to market their content and further their brand or business.

Graphic novel illustrators – what does their job role consist of?

Graphic novel illustrators - what does their job role consist of

Graphic novel illustrators are responsible for adding the artwork to stories. They have to portray emotion, feelings and action through their images. Graphic novel illustrators are the creative minds behind the captivating visuals found in graphic novels, comic books, and…

10 April Fools’ Day ideas for small businesses to run

10 April Fools' Day ideas for small businesses to run

For small businesses, it’s important to take part in trends, or celebrations. April Fools’ Day is the perfect time to share your humour and show the person behind the business. April Fools’ Day presents an exciting opportunity for small businesses…

What are exclusive samples within the music industry?

What are exclusive samples within the music industry

Exclusive samples are parts of a track. Small parts but important ones nonetheless. For example, a drum pattern, or guitar piece. Exclusive samples are like secret ingredients in a chef’s kitchen or rare gems in a treasure chest for musicians.…

Spotify music videos are now in beta

Spotify have just announced a new addition to their music platform. It will bring excitement to music artists who enjoy sharing their music in video form. Exciting news for music lovers and Spotify enthusiasts alike! Today, Spotify unveiled its latest…

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