Category Branding

Everything surrounding branding; from how to make a brand name to constructing an aesthetic on a budget.

PUSH 101: What is a release link?

So, you’re creating a Smart Link through, but we keep asking you for your release links? What are they? Where do you find them? Do PUSH provide them? You may have multiple questions about this process, so hopefully we…

Is there a cost for is a service which provides artists and creatives with access to the tools they need to market themselves. Whether you’re a musician, brand or influencer, you can use PUSH’s links to help promote yourself and your service. Smart Links,…

Top 5 Instagram habits to strengthen your audience

With Instagram being one of the best platforms to go viral on currently. You need to be present and allow your branding to be strong if you want to stand out. Think about what your purpose is on the platform…

Reward Links – how can they benefit you

Have you ever used a Reward Link for your content? If not, why? Trust us, they’re like gold dust. They can help you grow any social media or streaming platform of your choice. Best of all, both you and your…

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