You best believe it, Black Friday is about to return again. It’s that time of year when everyone goes slightly crazy looking for the best deals. In the lead up to Christmas, events like Black Friday really help cut the costs. So, where can you find the best deals this year for music lovers?

What is Black Friday?
Like many of the best holidays and events we now celebrate worldwide, Black Friday started off in The States. It falls the day after Thanksgiving which is always celebrated on the 4th Thursday in November. Thanksgiving is a day in which the country pay thanks to all things they are grateful for. It began to first pay tribute to those who first stepped foot on US soil.
Black Friday always follows this, shops worldwide slash their prices and try to compete to offer the best deals possible. It’s seen as an extension to the previous day’s celebrations. Where many people get their hands on as many Christmas presents as they can. It falls at just the right time. Often around pay day for many people and right before December hits.
Of course, it doesn’t stop there. Throughout the years, as things have turned digital, everyone has scrambled to try and keep up. Black Friday is no different. Rather than just stores offering the best deals, companies spread these deals across the internet too. After all, people tend to shop online these days. That’s where Cyber Monday comes along. The Monday following Black Friday sees even more online deals. Everything goes digital on that day. Prepare to see websites crash as they try to take on such large volumes of traffic.
Black Friday music deals
So, what we’ve all been waiting for. We’re here to provide you with some great music deals we’ve come across. Of course, as the day approaches there will be more and more plans revealed. However, for now, we’re providing you with some we already know about. It’s always better to be prepared. That way, on the day you’ll know exactly where to head and what it is you’re looking for. It saves you hunting through countless websites trying to find something that works for you.
Andertons is a family run music supplier. They’ve been on the scene for over 50 years. Starting out in the UK, they now have custom across the world. They offer guitars, amps, drums, pianos, synthesizers and so much more. Anything you can think of in the world of music creation, we’re certain they have it. With 400 brands on offer, there is so much choice. Customer service is something they pride themselves in, so if you need a little advice before making your big purchase, just get in touch with them first.
What’s brilliant about Andertons is they have equipment for any level. So, if you’re an expert or perhaps purchasing for someone new to music, they’ll be able to help. It doesn’t matter how experienced you are. This helps when it comes to Black Friday, because we’ve all been there trying to buy a Christmas present for someone and not having a clue where to start. Unless you know the industry, you might not have a clue what brand to go for.
This company is offering a Black Friday promise. If you want to buy something in November before the deals launch, you can do so. Then, if the product gets discounted on Black Friday, they’ll give you the difference back in loyalty points. It’s a win-win if you can’t wait until the end of the month for their discounts. Make sure you read into their terms and conditions if you’re thinking about using this clause.
£200 off Chapman ML1 Hybrid guitars
£70 off a Penny Saver Royale
20% off TC Electronic’s bass amps
Yamaha subwoofer for £719 down from £979
These are just a few of the incredible offers Andertons have on for Black Friday. If you want to see more from them, head to their website and check out all of their deals.
PMT or Professional Music Technology pride themselves as the UK’s premier music retailer. They supply music equipment such as, drums, amps, keyboards, guitars and DJ gear. Their music stores contain all the latest equipment, and they have experts on hand to help out with any knowledge you might need. Again it makes it easier for people just starting out. You aren’t expected to know everything when you’re new to the music scene.
Not only do they offer so many great deals in their stores, but you can also access these online. This makes purchasing music gear even easier. If you can’t get to one of their stores physically then everything you need is on their website. Their Black Friday deals will be available online, but you’ll need to be quick if you want to grab their great offers.
Their deals haven’t yet been revealed. It’s all being kept very secretive for now. However, we do know that things like their huge range of guitars and drum kits will be included. This could be the perfect time for someone wanting to upgrade their equipment. Or, again in time for Christmas for someone who’s a huge music enthusiast. It’s certain they’ll have products to suit all types of budgets, so you don’t need to break the bank this year.
Bax Music
The Bax brothers started out as DJs, they wanted to put on the best show possible that people could enjoy. After a while of doing this, they moved their attention elsewhere slightly. They turned to renting out their equipment to other artists who might need it. However, they prided themselves on making the rental of the gear, affordable. Many artists who have rented music equipment before will tell you, the cost soon adds up. This is exactly why the brothers wanted to make their prices reasonable.
From here they aimed to build relationships with supplier, although it wasn’t that straight forward. A lot of suppliers weren’t interested due to the pair having no real background in sales. Despite this, they continued to aim for the stars and ended up with a supplier taking a chance on them. It turned out for the best for everyone involved because look at the company now. Continuing to grow, the brothers still offer their rental services, but now they have a lot more equipment on offer.
Branching out from just rentals, they do offer an online store where you can buy products. It isn’t all rental any more. This may have been what got their foot in the door, but they have since moved past only supplying equipment on a rental agreement. Their stock has grown massively, and you can find everything you’re looking for via their website. The store also offer gift cards, which could be the perfect option for a music lover that’s impossible to buy for.
You can sign up to their newsletter if you want to be the first to know about their Black Friday deals. Don’t miss out!
Established in 1898, Dawsons Music has been going for quite some time. It is one of the oldest music retailers in the UK. They pride themselves on being a company run by musicians for musicians. John Dawsom founded the company. He was a piano tuner by trade, and he decided to extend this to allow his customers to purchase a piano. What a great idea, someone purchases the product from you and then pays you to teach them to use it. It basically starts and ends all within the same company.
So since the shop did so well for itself, they eventually decided to branch out and expand even further. Today there are 6 stores across the UK. There is also an online store and Dawsons offer an education division. This is something which is offered to schools and universities, both across the UK and the rest of the world. It’s lovely to see that Mr Dawnson’s passion for teaching music has expanded so rapidly. Now they offer a service like this to huge groups of people. It’s possibly something he never quite imagined would come from this.
If you head to their website, you’ll notice the deals have already begun. No need to wait until the end of the month to grab yourself something nice. There are endless deals on guitars, amps, pianos and even furniture to kit out your music room. You could pick up everything you need to start from scratch, all from one place. They’ve even got a huge selection of accessories that could act as great stocking fillers. What musician wouldn’t want musical note themed pens and notepads?

There we have it, some of the best deals you’ll find when it comes to musical equipment. Be sure to shop around to find the deal that suits you. Many other companies will release their deals closer to the date. However, there are lots that will only let you see their competitive savings on the day. If you want to grab any of it at lower prices, make sure you’re ready ahead of Black Friday. They do say, once it’s gone, it’s gone…