Tag resources

Where to find free crochet patterns online

Where to find free crochet patterns online

Crocheting is a hobby that has become more popular as the years go on. It can be extremely therapeutic. But, there’s no need to invest in expensive pattern books. Instead, use free online resources. Crocheting is a hobby that allows…

Understanding AI deepfakes – what you need to know

Understanding AI deepfakes - what you need to know

In today’s digital age, technology has made it possible to create videos and images that look incredibly real but are actually fake. One such technology, known as AI deepfakes, has gained attention in recent years. But what exactly is an…

What are ad blockers and how do they work?

What are ad blockers and how do they work

Ad blockers simply stop all the annoying pop-ups that appear on your screen. However, sometimes, they can be the reason certain websites don’t work as intended. In today’s digital age, where we spend a significant amount of time browsing the…

ChatGPT hasn’t had an update since 2022

For those who rely on ChatGPT to write essays, or provide them with answers to their ever-burning questions, please ensure you fact-check everything. The popular AI tool hasn’t had an update in almost two years. Many people from all industries…

How does ChatGPT make money?

ChatGPT changed the AI game. Before that, not many used AI in their every day life. A platform so useful, but also… free? How? Where does the money come from? Creating ChatGPT would have cost a lot of money. It’s…

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