Why have my social media followers stopped growing?

Social media algorithms are all extremely different – there is no clear way of cracking the code. However, if you’ve noticed your followers have started to plateau, there are a few things you can do.

Why have my social media followers stopped growing? GIF showing a person on their phone with a laptop in front of them. There is a follow counter in the corner.

Followers will always increase and decrease slightly. That’s important to remember before you get too caught up on the number game. However, over time, things might become still and you might not notice much change.

This is especially noticeable for those creators who are used to seeing large inflations within their follower count. It can be worrying, but it isn’t always something you’re doing wrong. After all, the algorithm is constantly changing, and we have to try and adapt around it.

It could be time to reset and have a look at the content you’re currently posting, and what you might be able to change. Perhaps look for a new angle, or check out your competition. Remember, putting too much pressure on your follower count can actually do more harm.

Try new things

If your followers aren’t increasing, there’s no harm in trying something new. With content creating, it will always be a trial and error game. There’s no right or wrong. One person’s audience will love one style, while another’s won’t.

With stagnant followers, it could be time to give something new a go. If it doesn’t work, or you have negative feedback, try something else. You might find your spark again. Perhaps you’ll have some fun creating new content and things won’t feel as mundane.

This will likely show in your work. When things become repetitive, not only do you get bored, but so do your audience. Take things back to basics and figure out what it is you want to create. Find new inspirations and hopefully your followers will start to increase.

Don’t place all your focus on followers

Try being consistent with your current followers rather than searching for new ones. Often, it’s apparent when content creators are seeking new followers because they become more needy and seek further validation than their current followers can give.

A good way to combat this is by building on the relationships you already have. Try connecting with your current followers. Learn about them, converse, and you might find they bring their friends and family along to follow you too.

Your audience will really appreciate you making that effort with them and giving them your time and energy. They’ll be more likely to spread the word and tell others to give you a follow. This in turn will bring in higher engagement rates, and likes, which will help the algorithm.

There’s a thing known as social proof. Having a high follow count but little comments or interaction screams paid followers or follow chains. This often puts genuine people off following an account. Prove you’re genuine, and the followers will come.

Change up your hashtags

Hashtags are another pain point for a lot of content creators. There’s never an easy cheat guide. While you can find trending hashtags, your content needs to be somewhat relevant. Otherwise, it will be overshadowed in a sea of competition.

The right hashtags about relevant topics can bring followers flooding in. If, the two combine. Don’t overdo it. Less is more. Too many hashtags can lead to them being less effective. Start monitoring the ones you use and check their effectiveness over time.

Look into your engagement, likes and followers and try taking one or two of your standard hashtags away. If this doesn’t boost numbers, try putting them back in but taking others. It’s trial and error, as previously mentioned, so you won’t get it right first time.

Review your statistics

One of the most important ways to understand your current followers is by tracking your statistics. You can see what time they’re online, when you get the most interaction, what days are best to post and the location of your followers.

Numbers don’t lie. While those around you can tell you that you’re doing a great job, the real proof is in the statistics. Are those currently following you, engaging in your content? What’s the ratio of those following, to those interacting?

Start trying various things out based on your stats. Look at the days your followers are mostly online, and prioritise posting on those days. If this brings a spike in interaction, you know your changes are working. The more interaction with your followers, the better.

If your current followers engage, social media platforms are more likely to place your content within their explore sections and market your profile to new potential followers. You want them to come onto your profile and see how you’ve tailored your content accordingly.

Regularly keep note of your insights. See how engagement and followers have changed over the past three months or even the past year. You might notice spikes and changes. Try and pinpoint the content released during these periods of high activity.

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